Sunday 20 March 2011

Trapped in a Bottle Lost at Sea.

Is it possible to feel both trapped and lost at the same time?

I'm trapped.
Trapped inside my own head, my own thoughts, insecurities.
Trapped by a lack of motivation, a lack of energy, opportunity.
Trapped by feelings of uselessness, feelings of sadness, confusion.
By memories.
By flashbacks.

Trapped by depression.

And at the same time I'm lost.
I'm lost out in the big wide world.
I'm disconnected.
I can't focus, can't interact.
I can't find any joy out there.
I can't find distraction.
I can't find myself.
I have no place, no purpose.
No need.

I'm set on automatic.

I'm trapped in a bottle.
But the bottle is lost at sea.

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