Wednesday 6 January 2010

Fairytales Are Real.

"What is your favourite thing in the whole wide world?"

How a person answers this question can tell you alot about them. It can tell you if they're honest, it can tell you if they're happy and it can tell you what their motives are.

Ask this question to the next guy that tries to chat you up at a bar.
If you get the answer, "Sex, or a blow job." My advice is to avoid him like the plague. Unless of course, he is cute and that is all you're interested in to.

If he gives you an answer that is meaningless, especially if thought of while staring at your chest, he probably wanted to answer, "Sex, or a blow job." But at least he has the intelligence to realise that this will show his one track mind and will ruin any chance he has of getting your number.

The worst is when someone can't think of an answer. And not because there are too many choices, but because they truely can't think of anything. These people are usually just existing, not living. They need something to believe in.

I met someone like this on Christmas Eve.
"You can't be sad!! It's Christmas! Santa won't come if you're sad!" I teased.

"Santa isn't going to bring me anything, Santa doesn't exist."

"Of course Santa exists!! Why wouldn't he bring you anything?"

He explained that his family all lived a great distance away so there was nobody to give him presents on behalf of Santa. I spent the next half an hour hunting for presents to give him, I collected a bracelet, a makeshift paper hat, a glow stick and some antlers. Brushing his long hair out of his face he told me that he was very flattered that I'd gone to so much effort to make him feel special but that it didn't prove that Santa exists.

I'd cared enough to find him these presents, to cheer him, to make him believe.

"Maybe Santa doesn't exist." I told him. "At least not in the physical sense. But as long as someone cares enough about children, about people, to ensure that on Christmas morning there are presents under the tree from 'Santa'. As long as someone cares enough to keep the spirit of Santa alive, then Santa exists."

He smiled wearily. He was giving in.

"Okay. The spirit of Santa exists."

"Everything exists." I insisted. "Fairies exist. Dragons exist. Monsters. Unicorns. The Easter Bunny. Even God exists."

"But you're not religious." He remarked.

He's right. I'm not. But that doesn't mean that God doesnt exist. Its illogical to deny the existence of something. Just as it is illogical to be one hundred percent sure of the existence of anything. It's just more fun this way.

Nobody has seen everything that there is to see. Nobody has explored every forest, or the depth of every cave.

"Have you ever seen a fairy?" he asked.


"Then how can you say that they exist?"

"Have you ever seen a dolphin?"
"Have you ever seen the pyramids?"
"Have you ever seen Mars, or Saturn?"

Maybe on television, or in books or photos but have you ever seen these things with your own eyes?

Seeing, is not always believing.

I went on, "Do you believe in love?"

"Yes. I've been in love." he sighed.

"How is it any more logical to believe in love than it is to believe in Santa?"

He smiled. "You must have had a very special childhood"

"My whole life is special." I replied.

"Fairy tales, are more than true. Not because they tell us that dragons
exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be defeated."

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