Thursday 21 January 2010

When your heart takes over...


'Love is just a chemical reaction'

'I only find you so attractive because your genes are compatible with mine'

Romantic much?

But it makes sense.
Love is fickle. And volatile. And never lasts as long as people think.

You know those moments where you saying something you weren't planning to, maybe something you didn't even know you thought, because for a split second your heart took over. Your heart had control of your voice box, your lips and the words just tumbled out. It feels like its not even you saying it, almost as if you're floating in the sky, looking down at yourself, wondering what just happened. The events that snowball from those moments are usually really amazing. For a really short amount of time. Not long after you're cursing your heart for taking over, cursing your brain for letting those words slip through. Cursing yourself for acting on impulse without considering where this was going to lead. It was so predictable, of course this would happen, you knew it would, you could have stopped it. And now people are going to get hurt.

Sometimes its not even words. Its an action. Your heart takes control of your whole body! I've told myself many times that I won't do something, then the moments arises and all of a sudden I'm doing it!! But deep down, I always knew it was going to happen, I knew I'd do it and I knew it would be a bad idea.

Irrational much?

Yes, everything that I do is irrational, it goes against everything I believe, or think I believe. But I do it anyway. I hurt people. But I'm a good liar. So everybody still likes me.

'You're like a golden boomarang'

I sparkle and shine and everybody wants me. But I'm not a boomarang, because I never come back. Even if I say I will. Sometimes I pretend to come back, but I'm never really there, never really yours. I'm just there because someone else has thrown me in the wrong direction.

I'm always going in the wrong direction.

Map please?

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