Monday 18 January 2010

A Test of Faith.


In relationships is anything ever exclusive? How far does exclusivity stretch?
Hold another hand. Stroke another leg. Cuddles. Kisses. Sex. The rules are goverened by the couple involved. They can decide what exclusive means for them.


Eveyone is a hypocrit. They give advice that they don't follow. Or they do something they've judged someone else for doing. Hated someone else for doing. Everybody has gone against something they'd said they'd do. Or wouldn't do.


Do we need to be honest about everything? Somethings just hurt.
Somethings are obvious without being said. Saying them is like rubbing salt into the wound.
Better to have been told before the seeing is obvious.


How much of what we do, do we do just for the sake of doing it?
To want someone, something. How often do we get confused about what we want? Do we want a cuddle from that person. Or do we just want a cuddle. Closeness, comfort from any invisible face.


Do we need a relationship to be happy? Are humans really designed to be monogamous? Do we need to have that one person to share every inch of our lives with? Or is that too much responsibility to give one person. Maybe we just need a break?

The meaning of life.
*Insert own views here*

The meaning of life?
Who cares?
Just be happy.

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